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- ffusion portfoliolight1rightblurry2023a gripping progression, musically blissful and vocally poignant, forever shifting gears in a creatively unpredictable fashionStereo Stickmandefault"You will never walk away". Released: 2022.
You Will Never Walk AWAY
More than a year on the war in Ukraine continues
The Ukrainian people have demonstrated tremendous bravery and resilience in the face of the Russian invasion.
Despite the overwhelming military and economic power of the Russian Federation, Ukrainians have stood their ground and defended their sovereignty, even in the face of unimaginable hardship. Their bravery has been evident in the courageous efforts of volunteers who have risked their lives to provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict, as well as the soldiers who have bravely fought on the frontlines to defend their country. The Ukrainian people’s unwavering determination to resist Russian aggression serves as a testament to their courage and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.